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Heads & Tails

an innovative approach to Clinical Psychology, supporting mental health for children & adolescents.

Working with a team of miniature horses to assist young people in understanding themselves and those around them.

Connecting in news ways to support healthy relationships and emotional wellbeing, moving individuals & families toward social and emotional change that will last a lifetime.

Heads & Tails Clinical Psychology provides an effective alternative for those who struggle with traditional room-based therapies.

Heads & Tails Clinical Psychology is designed to assist clients with:

Emotional Regulation

Impulse Control

Distress Tolerance

Behavioural Change

Thinking Strategies

Mindfulness Training

Anxiety Management

Parenting Support

Communication Skills

Social Skills


Bully Busting


Empathy and awareness of others

Boundary setting

School Refusal

Taking Responsibility


Flexible Thinking

Co-operation & Team work

Trust & Respect

Honesty and Accountability

Dealing with Challenging Situations

Grief & Loss

Why Horses?

We appreciate the power of horses and their ability to help us tap into our thoughts, feelings & behaviours.

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